Pololu Wixel Linux Software Architecture: i386 Release Date: 2011-06-23 http://www.pololu.com/ == Summary == This binary release contains the Pololu Wixel Configuration Utility (wixelconfig) and the Wixel command-line utility (wixelcmd). These programs allow you to load apps onto the Wixel over USB. == Prerequisites == In Ubuntu, you can install all the prerequisites by running: sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libqtgui4 The commnand-line utility wixelcmd only depends on libusb-1.0. The Pololu Wixel Configuration Utility depends on libusb-1.0 and on the QtGui library and its dependencies (including QtCore). == USB Configuration == You will need to copy the file 99-pololu.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ in order to grant permission for all users to use Pololu USB devices. If you already plugged in a Pololu USB device, you should unplug it at this point so the new permissions will get applied later when you plug it back in. == Running the programs == You can run the programs by typing one of the following commands: ./wixelconfig ./wixelcmd == Licensing Information == For licensing information, see license.htm == More Information == For more information, see the Pololu Wixel User's Guide: http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J46