* Building ** Dependencies *** Library libpcan from peak-linux-driver-6.13 The source code assumes that pcan.h and libpcan.h are in the current directory. If they are not, symlink them using ln -s or use the gcc -I switch Make sure that the gcc -lpcan switch can find libpcan.so *** Library popt 1.14-4 Code uses only a small subset of popt features, and will probably work with older versions of the library. Make sure popt.h and related files are in the include path for gcc, and that libpopt.so is in the link path. ** Commandline Compile the code with the following commandline gcc -O4 -g can2udp.c -o can2udp -lpopt -lpcan ** Files can2udp.c -- main source file sockit.h -- library of useful socket functions